45 Inc Birmingham: Redefining Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic — 45 Inc Birmingham

45 Inc Birmingham: Redefining Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic

There is no denying that the past couple of months have been difficult. The moment the COVID-19 virus reared its ugly head in the United States, our management team leaped into action. Although Alabama is slowly lifting certain restrictions, we know that this pandemic is far from over. We may feel uncertain about what tomorrow brings, but we are one hundred percent confident that tomorrow will come. It is this thought that fuels our team here at 45 Inc Birmingham. This crisis has thrown us for a loop, but it has also forced us to sharpen and redefine what it means to be a leader within our company and our community.

               Leadership has always been an essential part of our business. Each individual that walks through our doors is given equal opportunity to move up within our company once they have developed the skills and characteristics required to lead others. This current pandemic has made all of us reevaluate what it means to be a leader. Yes, it is someone that instructs and motivates others. However, we now believe that it is much more than that. While quarantined, our leadership team has had to make more of an effort in speaking with and teaching our team members. We have had to create more of a personal relationship with them and ask them questions about issues outside of work. Our people have always come first, and now, our leaders understand what it means to really be in someone else’s corner. These conversations may not always be easy, but they are important. Eventually, this virus will be eradicated, and when that happens, our people will be better off because they have been forced to connect on a deeper level.

               What better time to redefine leadership than during a global pandemic? When you have no choice but to adapt, amazing things can happen. Our leadership team has spent time over the past few months, getting back to the basics and hunkering down to learn new techniques for training, motivating, and encouraging our people. We have used Zoom to lead meetings, Facetime to chat one-on-one with each other, and social media to keep our business connected to the outside world. Leadership is more than helping run a business. It is a role whose primary focus is on people and putting others first.

               As you can tell, we are a team-focused business here at 45 Inc Birmingham. This pandemic has encouraged our leadership team to do more, achieve more, and be more. Our people have always been and will always be our main priority. This crisis has made this fact more evident than ever. We feel thankful that our people are resilient, loyal, and trusting. They know that we are doing all that we can to adjust and grow during this uncertain time. Once the COVID-19 virus has been swept out of our country, our leadership team will be more prepared than ever to lead our people to tackle all of our goals & some!